Thursday, June 2, 2011

the best worst days in the world

i spent a day rolling around in a bed that is scented with my lotion streaked with mascara from last night. i could not keep my eyes open, but i will be damned if they would stay closed. i should be doing big bad terrible things right now. night off, whoot. would rather just enjoy the sounds of disembodied television voices and let sappy music break my heart.

the days are a bit blurred. i exist in a purgatory of happiness that keeps me from having to




breath. but we come up for air sometimes and then, here we are, blinking in the sun. we don't know each other without the veil of darkness, inebriation.

so we fight cuz we are frustrated.

i think i gave myself food poisoning.

i have never known how to make a damn omelet.

i will find out very soon that that word was spelled incorrectly and that eddie vedder will live a long happy life writing music for popular movies, but the one time he made me cry was with that cover of Last Kiss.

new man, so unreliable, i trust him. don't I?

 too tired to care. ode to the summer fling.

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