Saturday, May 7, 2011

unsingable name

met a guy with a truly unsingable name. won't spell it out, though. jinx. broke it off with another just days before. so underwhelmed. can't spill enough words between us to fill the space of a quarter of an hour. his body shocked me in it's girth. i like my men stringy. not squishy. you who have had me buzzing in your ear, know this to be true.
so i met a boy, a man, who i thought so familiar and realize now it is because he looks like someone else, someone i wouldn't fuck with your dick, but have known a few good girls who have.

i digress.

he came into my work and sloshed around for a few minutes. he caught my fancy good and proper, but i was tired and spark free. sober and the night was winding down. still, i spotted his pack on the bar, so called to the bartender that i was out after a smoke. well, what do you know. he followed me, though denies such things. talked at me and around me and about me for the length of that cigarette. i was wearing interesting tights and a lot of curly hair. he had on a hat. names exchanged, he and some other boy left eventually. i orbited their bar stools, empty of focus, plot, point.

i wondered after him for a moment, asked after him, too, no avail but no matter. more fish to gouge. so a friend and i set out for a bar the next evening outside uptown. we are greeted at the door and sit down at the bar. i order without looking up. he asks me if he had not just met me the night before. i look into his eyes. cold and clammy, my hands become. he is so good looking. i think about my frumpy jeans, tangled curls, lack of makeup. i am no match for this charismatic bartender.

so i retreat, slightly. bizarre men dance attendance and are thrown out. bartender and i commence chatting. and drinking. he is so lovely. my head is light with the knowledge that i might not know this guy, ever. alcohol gives me courage, anyway. i pass on my number at around 2, apologizing for being that girl who hits on her fucking server. rule number one, and i shattered that shit.

the next day, my phone is painfully silent. until about 145 am. and then the inebriated texting begins and off we go. 2 hours later and i am asleep on my friend's couch with monday and this guy on my mind. hold your breath and hope the water is warm.

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